Become a friend or supporter of Roman River Music

For priority booking, please help Roman River Music put on great concerts and bring music to children in deprived areas of north-east Essex. There are four levels of support; £25, £75, £150 and £250.

The easiest way to pay is by paypal.

Support Roman River Music

Or you can print out and send the below form to us and the standing order authority to your bank.

If you would like to sponsor a whole concert, which cost between £700 and £4,000 to put on, your generous gift will be acknowledged in all our promotional material and programmes. Please get in touch using the address at the bottom of the webpage.

Thank you.

Name …………………………………………………………………………………..

Contact details ………………………………………………………………………………………………....


(please circle below)

Supporter from £25 per year

Friend from £75 per year

Patron from £150 per year

Benefactor from £250 per year

□ I have completed the Standing Order Authority and sent it to my bank.

□ GIFT AID - I am a UK taxpayer and would be happy for you to reclaim the tax I have paid. Roman River Music is registered charity no. 1126395

Please make cheque payable to Roman River Music and send to:

ZĂ©lie Jopling, Director of Roman River Music, South Green Farmhouse, Fingringhoe, CO5 7DP. Thank you.

□ Please contact me by email rather than post.

Email address ……………………………………………………………..

...……………………………(tear here)………………………………………

Standing Order Authority

To: The Manager, ……………………………………………..(name of your bank)

Address of bank: …………………………………………………………………………………………


Post Code …………………………………………….

Account Number………………………………… Branch Sort Code ………/………../……….

Account Name …………………………………………………………………………………………….

Please pay the sum of £……………… (words)

……………… from the account detailed above, on the same day each year, commencing: date………, month………, year……… until further notice.

To: Roman River Music. Account no: 25 37 20 83. Sort Code: 09 01 55

Santander UK plc, Bridle Road, Bootle, Merseyside L30 4GB


Please send the completed form to your bank. Thank you.